Gulf Coast Compost @ FGCU Food Forest

Date and Time

Wednesday, November 30 2022 at 10:00 AM EST to

Wednesday, November 30 2022 at 1:00 PM EST


FGCU Food Forest


Help maintain the compost program for the FGCU Food Forest! We will be mulching, lining pathways with oysters, and making compost piles.  We will also organize the Food Forest shipping container and nursery area. 

Optional bonus hours: collect food waste from your kitchen the week prior to contribute to the compost pile! (tip: use a bucket & lid // keep a gallon ziplock in the freezer)

Closed toed shoes are mandatory. Dress appropriately for warm temperatures, bring water, and consider sun protection. 

Do not RSVP if you cannot attend for the full length of the event. Please return to Eagle link to revoke your RSVP if you cannot make it so another student can sign up. 

Location: The FGCU Food Forest is past Sugden Welcome Center and before Kleist Health Education Center. Look for a shipping container that says “FOOD FOREST” on your left. Approximate address: 9920 FGCU South Court. Fort Myers, FL 33913


The Office of Service-Learning & Civic Engagement has created a useful flyer explaining how to track your hours. When doing so, please use the following information under the “Supervisor Contact Information” section: 


Organization: FGCU Food Forest

Supervisor: Hannah Richardson

Phone: 702 334 0519 



Note: If you are only volunteering with us today, submit 

your hours ASAP. If you plan on volunteering with

us again, you may wait to submit your TOTAL hours. 

This is acceptable on a semester basis.